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Showing only entries with tags: Public Health
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Name Title Nodes Edges $\left<k\right>$ $\sigma_k$ $\lambda_h$ $\tau$ $r$ $c$ $\oslash$ $S$ Kind Mode $n$ Tags
escorts Brazilian prostitution network (2010) 16,730 50,632 6.05 16.80 27.66 149.53 -0.09 0.00 17 0.95 Undirected Bipartite 1 Social Public Health Weighted Timestamps
hiv_transmission HIV transmission network (1988-2001) 35,229 85,890 4.88 12.21 15.60 140.85 -0.08 0.03 11 0.76 Undirected Unipartite 1 Social Public Health Unweighted Metadata